Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Human Body Portfolio Procedures

Dear students,

When you are doing your project, you should follow the following points:
  1. You should have a cover page that includes your name, class, date, picture of the respiratory system and title.
  2. You should answer the five questions. (You can use your notes and google to find the answers)
  3. Your project should be typed and organized.
Good Luck,

Mr. Fahad 


  1. when it is due the project :)

  2. When's the project due?

    -Nada 7G2<3

  3. Mr. fahad!! We only do the cover page that says: "Human Body Portfolio" or all of thecover pages?! Cause' I'm confused. :|
    -Nada 7G2<3

  4. mr.fahad about the portfolio there is no page 4 the urinary system what should i do now?

  5. pllzzz anyone answer this question >> explain how ur nervous system works with other systemz ( # examples )
