Classroom Rules

A’Takamul International School

Mr. Fahad’s Classroom Policies and Routines

Policies For Success

  1. Be Respectful
þ  Be an attentive/good listener – raise hand to be recognized
þ  Raise your hand to be recognized
þ  Respect the personal space of others
  1. Be Responsible
þ  Come prepared to class with proper materials (science notebook, paper, pen/pencil), completed work, and a positive attitude.
þ  Arrive to class on-time
þ  Start your opening activity promptly
þ  Follow directions precisely
þ  Ask questions if you do not understand
  1. Demonstrate a Caring Attitude
þ  Treat others nicely and courteously
þ  Help others
  1. Demonstrate Integrity

þ  Be honest/truthful
þ  Always do your best
  1. Persevere
þ  Never give up
þ  Overcome obstacles with effort
  1. Demonstrate Outstanding Citizenship
þ  Keep your area/classroom/school clean
þ  Cooperate with others
** Bathroom/hall passes are a privilege and are to be used only in emergency situations.  Any abuse of a privilege will result in the removal of such privilege.
The violation of any one of these policies may result in disciplinary action. Possible disciplinary actions:  Lunch Detention, After School Detention, Parent Contact, Administrative Referral.
Mr. Fahad’s

Classroom Routines (12-13)

  1. Each day, when you enter the room you will complete an opening activity and record your daily assignment in your agenda. 
  2. You will receive a folder in which you will place your current assignments (unless I state otherwise).  These folders will be distributed to you at the beginning of class and you are to return the folder to the appropriate box at the end of class.  All incomplete assignments and work to be assessed should be kept in this folder.
  3. ALL work that has been scored/returned is to be kept in your science notebook.  The organization for your science notebook is as follows:
Ÿ  Page 1:  Science Notebook Cover Page
Ÿ  Page 2: Table of Contents
Ÿ  Pages 3 – 4 : Course Overview
Ÿ  Page 5: Classroom “Policies for Success”
Ÿ  Page 6: Classroom Routines
Ÿ  Page 7:  Major Safety Rules
Ÿ  All other materials will be page numbered and inserted as designated by Mr. Fahad
  1. Supplies should be organized on your desk. 
  1. If you miss a class period all materials are available on the web, in the class binder, and in the “While You Were Out Box.”.
General Information
F Remember to record your daily assignments in your planner
F You must check Engrade regularly.  It is your responsibility to inform your parents of your performance and let me know of any discrepancies.
F If you have questions please email me at
F All materials will be placed on Engrade and at - this site is important because we will also completing group work via this portal.