Homework Policy

  • I will be assigning various homework activities from Sunday - Thursday. Students may not get written homework every day, but should dedicate themselves to spending some time with science concepts each evening/or during academic enrichment. When homework does not involve a written activity, students can review material they explored in class or prepare for future work. I do not assign homework on Thursdays or over vacations. I also do not give written homework on nights before a quiz or test so students can concentrate on studying/preparing for assessments.
  • I ask students to spend approximately 20 minutes on their science homework. I do not always expect that they will finish every activity, but do expect that they spend 20 uninterrupted and focused minutes doing their best work. I realize they have homework in other subject areas, as well as other activities, and know they must manage their time effectively. All I ask is that they put forth their best efforts.
  • I reserve the last five minutes of each class for students to write their homework assignments in their agendas. I write the homework assignment out on the mentioned white board, posted clearly in the room every day. I then ask students to do a “peer check” where students check the agendas of those sitting next to them to verify that they have written out the homework assignment. Parents can look at these agendas to know what the homework assignment is for that evening. You can also check assignments on www.sci-club.com or atislifescience.blogspot.com.
  • Students start off with a 100 as a homework grade. When a homework assignment is one day late, the student looses 5 points off their 100 grade. If the assignment is 2 days late, the student looses another 5 points for a total of 10 points off their homework grade. The maximum amount of points a student can loose for any given homework assignment is 10 points. After the homework assignment is 2 days late, I will no longer ask for it. Because it is important that students do their homework when it is relevant to the learning in the classroom, this is the only grade that make-ups are not offered. The final homework grade for the quarter is calculated based on the amount of late homework assignments. If all homework assignments have been submitted on time, the student receives a 100 test grade for the quarter.
  • If students fall behind in multiple assignments, I will make efforts to notify parents that assignments have not been turned in.
  • Homework is important because:
  1. If students complete their homework, then any review we do in class is more meaningful.
  2. I may use information directly from homework assignments when developing    quizzes and tests. If students do their homework, they will be more confident with the test.