
A’Takamul International School
Science Department

Department Policy and Expectations

GRADE 7 – 2012/13
Mr. Fahad & Ms. Eman

Your son/daughter will be taking Grade 7 Science this year.  The course will be a challenging and an interesting part of his academic schedule. We have new text books to work from and are hoping to carry out a number of hands-on lab tasks throughout the year. This will make Science a fun subject to be taking.

The Science Department has identified several important objectives of this course.  Following is a list of the main ones.

  • To challenge all students to become critical thinkers and excellent problem solvers
  • To be able to implement the scientific method and acquire basic lab skills
  • To learn to communicate their ideas and express their opinions effectively on a variety of scientific issues.  Information can be presented in tables, graphs, charts or models
  • To develop and apply good thinking skills, so that they can observe situations and problems and then formulate hypotheses and draw scientific conclusions
  • To develop positive attitudes towards cooperative learning which allows students to verbalize ideas, encourages reflection that leads to active construction of concepts
  • To develop values, respect, and social qualities essential for good citizenship
Success in this course will be based on various forms of assessment and evaluation throughout the course.  The final mark of each quarter will be calculated as follows:

Tests                                                            35%
Quizzes                                                        25%
Homework & Classwork                           20%
Projects/Labs                                              20%

ü Textbook: Integrated Course II
ü Handouts & Worksheets
Homework and Assignment Policy
Homework will be regularly assigned and marked which will account for 5% of your mark.  It is very important that homework be completed on schedule.  Homework is a significant part of this course as there is not sufficient class time to complete all of the tasks that are set.  Late homework and assignments will be subject to penalty.  If you need extra time, ask for it before the due date and be prepared to give a valid reason for the extension.  Any assignments not handed in will receive a mark of zero.  Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Student Expectations
Students are expected to attend all classes.  Punctuality is expected of each and every student.  Come to class on time with all necessary books and supplies and be ready to work at the start of every class.  This includes: a textbook, notebook, and appropriate writing materials.  Students are expected to maintain a proper and well-organized notebook.  All absences from class are to be accounted for by a proper note from home, or a doctor's note (if applicable).  Students are expected to conduct themselves with respect towards their teacher and fellow students.  Students are expected to work to the best of their ability at all times.  Disrupting the learning environment will not be tolerated.

Tests and Quizzes
Students are expected to write tests on the day they are given.  A student who misses a test may arrange to write this test only if the absence is legitimate.  Cheating will not be tolerated.  A person caught cheating will receive a mark of ZERO and be sent to the Vice Principal for discipline.

Required Materials
Students will be required to purchase the following materials and bring them to every class along with their textbook which will be provided. All students should have a complete set of required materials by the end of the first week of school.

ü  One “A4”, hard cover exercise book. An example of this will be shown in class. (ALL notes and handouts will be kept in this book.)
ü  A clear file or manila folder for loose sheets, and marked quizzes and tests.
ü  Blue, black and red colored pens.
ü  pencil, eraser, ruler
ü  color pencils (NOT markers)

Topics To Be Covered This Year
Quarter 1 – Diversity of Living Things
Quarter 2 – Human Biology 
Quarter 3 – Motion and Forces
Quarter 4 – Electricity and Magnetism